Redford has 3 of the over 1,700 historic markers in Michigan. Getting accepted on the State Register of Historic Sites is no easy (or cheap) task. Obtaining the required documents to submit an application to the program can take months, even years, of research. Along with an application fee of a few hundred dollars, the documents are sent in, with hopes of being accepted. If a site is accepted, a historic marker, which costs a few thousand dollars, can then be installed on the property.

We are thankful to all those who put in long hours of research and those that contributed financially to honor these 3 sites. Click on a site below to learn more. We are also honored to have Number 5 School not only on the State Register of Historic Markers, but also on the National Register as well.

Redford Township District No. 5 School

Redford Township District No. 9 School

Redford Cemetery